Social Media and Ministry
In the June edition of our newsletter, The Portico, I shared some thoughts on how social media can be used to share the mission of Dr. Martin Luther Church:
Centered on Christ, we are called to be an inviting beacon of light in our community.
If you are on the social media platforms of Facebook and Instagram, the best way to help share what is happening at DMLC is to like and share the posts and events, including the YouTube link for our live-streamed services.
The website has undergone a huge redesign and went LIVE earlier this week, make sure you take a look!
Invite your family and friends to join in the fun for all the summer activities, including two Dockhounds games, one in June and one in August.
We are also starting the DMLC Concert Series with two recitals scheduled. Soprano Anne Sedlacek will be performing on Sunday, June 23rd, at 3:00 pm, and Lukas Jaeger, our Praise Team Coordinator, will be singing and playing on Saturday, July 13th, at 7:00 pm. Both events are free and open to the public!
See you in church!