Meet the Council
of Dr. Martin Luther Church
DJ Scherret (President) - Outreach Ministry
Andy King (Vice President) - Technology
Lynn Tallon (Secretary) - Empower to Grow
Emily Russart - Admin & Finance Ministry
Open Position - Worship & Music
Joy Shong
Ministry Teams
Admin & Finance
The Administration and Finance Ministry's primary objective is to manage the congregation's time, talent and financial gifts.
Empower to Grow
The Empower to Grow Ministry's primary objective is to provide spiritual growth to every member of the congregation by nurturing, inspiring and guiding children, youth, and adults to lives of active participation and Christian discipleship.
The Outreach Ministry's primary objective is to equip each member of Dr. Martin Luther Church to tell the story of Jesus Christ to our neighbors, become involved in the life of the church, promote a "sense of belonging", and actively affect the community by reaching out and providing a positive spiritual experience.
Worship & Music
The Worship and Music Ministry's primary objective is to enhance God's message through music and liturgy.
The Technology team’s primary objective is to help integrate technology into the daily life of our congregation in a way that enhance the overall experience and communications.