Our Mission
Our Mission Statement helps guide our ministry: Centered on Christ, we are called to be an inviting beacon of light in our community.
Who We Are
Our Faith
We believe that faith is formed through the study of the Bible, our Christian tradition and our human experience.
We are saved by God’s grace, an unearned gift given to us by God through his son Jesus. We are people led by the Holy Spirit where everyone is called to serve by using their gifts. We offer different styles of worship on weekends, small groups during the week for faith development and places for everyone to serve.
Our History
Dr. Martin Luther Church was founded in October 1896, when twenty families banded together to organize a new Lutheran church in Oconomowoc.
DMLC celebrated it’s 125th anniversary in October 2021.
Dr. Martin Luther Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Greater Milwaukee Synod.