Adult Education
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Early Risers Bible Study
This social group takes place on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 8:00-9:00am, at Cafe LaBelle at Shorehaven.
All men are invited to participate in a great casual learning and fellowship.
Want to Join?
Please contact Mike Driscoll: (262) 719-5604.
We Look forward to seeing you!
Women’s Bible Study
We have three Women’s bible study groups that meet 1-2 times per month.
GIFT is a Women’s Bible Study where women sit down and survey the Bible, Christian books, Christian magazines, and pray together and strengthen their faith. GIFT meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm on the second floor of the Education Building. Please check the online church calendar to ensure GIFT is meeting.
Want to Join?
Contact LuAnn Gorecki at 920-243-3315 or for more information.
Phoebe Circle
The Phoebe Circle is a Bible Study group of women. The women gather the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 1pm in the Gathering Space at church. Those that are comfortable leading take turns with the help of provided literature .
This group of women have met together for over 40 years!!!
Want to Join?
If this sounds like a group you would like to be part of, please contact Betty Schumacher at (608) 516-1502 or
Sarah Circle
The Sarah Circle is a Bible Study group of women. The women gather the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:30pm at each others homes. Those that are comfortable leading take turns with the help of provided literature .
This group of women have met together for over 40 years!!!
Want to Join?
If this sounds like a group you would like to be part of, please contact Kathy Klug at
(262) 567-9504.
There are many opportunities to get together with other members of Dr. Martin Luther Church to enjoy fellowship, perform outreach, and get competitive.
Adult Fellowship
Blessed And Giving Sewers
B.A.G.S. is a group that meets every Tuesday at 10:00 am, October through April, to make sleeping bags for the homeless. These bags are delivered to the homeless by Milwaukee Street Outreach.
We meet on the lower level of the education wing of church.
Dr. Martin Luther Church Quilters are a group of individuals who enjoy working with their hands and creating wonderful quilts for Lutheran World Relief. When you make and send a quilt, you are not only comforting someone you have never met, but providing an object that is useful in ways you probably never imagined. In addition, to being a cozy, clean new bed cover, it can be:
a baby carrier, tied around a mother’s back;
a market display, spread on the ground and piled with vegetables;
a sack for transporting those goods to market;
a sunshade;
a shawl; and most importantly
a constant reminder that someone, far away, cares a lot.
The quilters most commonly meet Wednesdays at 9:00 am in Fellowship Hall once a month. Please refer to the Calendar for the schedule.
Crafts, Projects, Scrapbooking Workday (former Scrapbooking group)
The scrapbooking group is expanding its focus to include other crafts and personal projects. Do you have sewing, genealogy, photo management, scrapbooking, or other projects you need to finish but don’t set aside time to get them done? We have the solution for you.
Join us in DMLC Fellowship Hall every 2nd Saturday from September to May from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Bring your projects and a snack to share, stake out a table to work on, and join the social conversations while you work. We guarantee you will make progress toward completing your projects. Come as often as you can, come at a time convenient for you, stay as long as you want.
For more information contact Connie Higgins (, Denise Schultz ( or Joy Shong ( 262-490-0180 or for more information.
Our team welcomes men to join for an evening of fun, competition and entertainment. The game is played in a baseball format by throwing darts under-handed towards a large board shaped with a baseball “diamond.”
All games start at 7:30pm on Mondays unless other arrangements are made by teams playing each other. There is a minimal expense each night. The season usually runs October through March.
Want more details or want to join? Call Don Scharfenberg at (262) 561-2791.
Do you Love Softball? Dr. Martin Luther Church has a summer softball team that plays every summer at various locations throughout Ocononomoc from May through August.
If you’re interested, contact John Wick at (262) 305-0680 or
Table Talks
Join us for our first Fall Table Talk of 2024. Table Talks provides the opportunity to think and talk seriously about our faith but in a fun and relaxing environment. This sessions theme is “Oh My God.” Arrive at 6:00PM to order food (if desired) and conversation starts around 6:45PM. Watch to sign up in the Gathering Area three weeks prior.
We’ll discuss questions such such as is our God the God of all the world’s religions, how to we make sense of all the violence and war while believing a God of love and peach and what does God have in store for us with the promise of eternal live?
Just a reminder that each person is responsible for paying their own tab. Any questions or clarification please be in touch with Mike Driscoll, Gary Liedtke or Pastor Clare (414) 552-5286.