Join us for fun and fellowship!

Upcoming Events

January 26th

The entire congregation is invited to join us for a Unity Service at 10:00AM followed by our annual meeting. During the meeting you’ll hear an update from all our committees on the operation, budget and goals for our church.

January 29th

Please join in on the lunch making fun by volunteering to assemble 70 lunches on Wednesday, January 29th after the 5:00pm church service. Assembly usually takes under an hour and 10 volunteers. The sign- up sheet is in the gathering area if you can help out.

February 2nd

Join us for our 2nd annual Chili Cookoff. Watch for a signup sheet to bring your best Chili and other items. Our entire congregation can also participate in an all church read of “Then There Were Five” by Elizabeth Enright. Please purchase the book locally at Books and Company if possible. This is a middle school level read and great to read as a family. We’ll discuss the book at this event on February 2nd!

February 16th

National “No One Eats Alone Day” was first celebrated back in 2012. This day is focused on ending social isolation and introducing social inclusion. While it is celebrated regularly in schools on the third Friday in February, we’re going to celebrate it by coming together for a soup potluck on Sunday, February 16th after the 10:30AM service. Bring a friend or neighbor, sit with someone you don’t regularly talk to or find some way to include others in this event/day.

Sign up in the Gathering Space to help with setup, cleanup or bring your favorite soup!

March 4th

It's Mardi Gras Time!  Join us for pancakes, sausage, applesauce and desserts. Plus games, our annual VBS basket raffle fundraiser and more! All are welcome.

When: Tuesday, March 4th from 4:30pm to 7:00pm

Supper Prices:
$9.00 for 12+
$5.00 for Children 3 to 12
Free under 3

And don’t forget cash for game and raffle tickets ($3/ticket or 2 for $5)! Proceeds support our summer VBS program.

We are also seeking volunteers to set up/decorate, run & staff the kitchen or the ticket desk for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner.  If interested  please sign up on the list in the Gathering Space, indicating your name and interest.  Questions? - Contact the office!

March 5th

Join us for our Ash Wednesday services at Noon and 5:00PM on Wednesday, March 5th.