Serve at Dr. Martin Luther Church
At Dr. Martin Luther Church, we believe that members freely give of their time and generously share their many talents. Please take a moment to review a few of the many volunteer opportunities that are offered here at Dr. Martin Luther Church. We will periodically highlight different ministry opportunities throughout the year.
Thank you once again volunteers, for the sharing of your talents. We are blessed!!
Opportunities to Serve
Acolytes, Assistant Ministers, Communion Assistants, and Greeters and Ushers are all needed for worship. To volunteer, please contact the church office at (262) 567-3829 or, or sign up on the sheet printed in the church's narthex.
Consider this area of service in preparation for worship and the sacraments. Some duties include changing paraments, attend to candles, check pews for supplies and keep linens clean. Set-up and clean-up for Eucharist and Baptisms.
For more information regarding the time commitment or any questions you may have, please get in touch with Joy Shong through the Church Office.
There are different ways to show off your talents at Dr. Martin Luther Church.
Praise Band leads Sunday’s 10:30 am worship and is a great opportunity for singers and musicians.
Festival Choir meets during the Christmas and Lent/Easter season.
Pop-up choirs occur occasionally throughout the year, allowing you to practice and sing on the same day!
January Wishing Well
Upcoming Service Opportunities
January 9th 2025 5:00PM - 8:00PM
Blessings in a Backpack is sponsoring a Race to Feed Waukesha County. This is an event where DMLC volunteers would join together with other groups from Waukesha County to fill 10,000 bags of food for children who need it the most.
Where: Waukesha County Technical College - 800 Main Street Pewaukee, WI
Date: Thursday, January 9, 2025
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
If you are interested, please sign up by December 15th on the sheet in the Gathering space. We need to pre-register as a group for this event so please provide your name, email, and phone number on the sign-up sheet. Car-pooling will be available for anyone interested.
January 29th 2025 6:00PM - 7:00PM
St. Ben’s Community Meal
The first Wednesday of every month, a team from Dr. Martin Luther church goes to St. Benedict the Moor Parish in Milwaukee to serve a community meal for those in need.
Prior to that, we have members donating food and members prepping food for the meal. Contact the office (262) 567-3829 or to sign up.
Food Donation & Prep
Donate Money to purchase stuffing
Monday prior @ 7 am - put turkeys in oven
Monday prior @ Noon - Debone turkeys, make gravy and stuffing
Meet at church at 3:45pm to car pool and/or help serve at St. Ben’s at 5pm.
Other Ways to Serve
Flower & Candle Chart
The current year’s Flower and Candle Chart is on the bulletin board in the Narthex. There are many dates available to honor loved ones and special occasions. The floral arrangements are ordered by the individual(s).
Please take time to review the available dates as a way of honoring a loved one’s birthday or anniversary. A donation to the candle fund may be done by filling out the date on the Candle Chart and either mailing your donation to the church office or placing in the offering plate. Be sure to include your name, date and the occasion. Your donation to this fund goes toward the purchase of oil for the candles.
Prayer Shawl & Baptism Blanket Ministry
Thank you to our knitters who faithfully serve as the hands of God.
Several volunteers have knit or crochet dozens of Baptism Blankets, which are distributed throughout the year by our Pastor and Lay People as a way of expressing spiritual support and blessings to the newly baptized.
Grocery Receipts
Piggly Wiggly stores in Oconomowoc and Hartland participate in the H.A.R.T. program. Save your receipts and deposit into the small basket located in the Narthex, or mail receipts to the church office. Proceeds will go to our Youth Account or Sunday School which is 1% of the total receipts submitted. Pick ‘N Save no longer offers the “We Care” program.