Sunday School Program

The Sunday School program is held Sunday mornings from 10:30am-11:45am during the Praise Worship Service. The program runs from September to May, and off for the summer. Ages 4k through the 6th grade are welcome to attend.

Children attend the beginning of service with their parents. They will have the opportunity to give an offering, sing a song and participate in the children’s sermon before being dismissed to their classrooms. Children grades 4k through 2nd grade should be picked up from classrooms at 11:45am.

Please turn the above forms in to the office or any teacher to register your child for Sunday School. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Angie Lewein, Sunday School Coordinator, at or (262) 567-5629.

See you all soon!

It’s time for our annual VBS basket raffle! This is our only fundraiser and helps make VBS week an amazing experience for everyone involved.

We are excepting gift baskets of all kinds. You or your work place may even have a service or products to offer. The baskets should be geared towards adults or families. Some ideas include movie night, camping, beach, coffee, crafting of all kinds, date night, game night, sporting events, etc. Use your imagination or search the internet. There are so many ideas out there!

Baskets should be delivered to the office or Angela Lewein no later than Sunday, February 16th. Please label the baskets with a theme name, contents and value. Please sign up on the table in the entrance or contact Angela at with your basket theme so we can avoid duplicates.

Thank you for supporting the kids of VBS!