Buckle Up!

This morning, the weather took a turn that reminded me of the fact we are fast approaching an important season in the church year. We will say goodbye to one lectionary year this weekend and hello to a new lectionary year on the First Sunday of Advent.

Dr. Martin Luther Church will be doing a lot to celebrate the season, and we hope you will participate as you are able. There are many places to find the information for worship services and other events, including each email blast that comes out each Thursday. There will be a change to our email blast schedules for both the week of Thanksgiving and the week of Christmas. Make sure you scroll down through this email to see all the activities and opportunities, from cookie baking to worship celebrations.

There is a tendency to rush through Thanksgiving and get to Christmas, but as I said to someone recently, “You can’t have Christmas without Advent, just like you can’t have Easter without going through Lent.”

We will be observing Advent beginning Sunday, December 1st. There will be regularly scheduled worship on December 4th, 8th, 11th, & 22nd. There is one service on Sunday, December 15th, at 10:00 am, which is our Children’s Christmas Program. Our 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 18th, will be a special Blue Christmas Service, combining the elements of Advent and a recognition of the Longest Night.

See you in church!!


Giving Thanks!


Bring Your Bible to Church Day