Where Do You Fit In?

In my February 1st Note From Pastor Clare, I asked, “How can I help DMLC fit together better?” If Dr. Martin Luther Church aspires to be a congregation that wants its members to find a place where they fit in. It’s like putting a puzzle together, each piece having a unique place in the final picture. I asked people to write their names on the backs of the puzzle pieces, and then we began to put them together. I remember thinking when I put the puzzle  on the table, “I sure do hope we have all the pieces!”

There have been a few people who have come early into the sanctuary before the beginning of the services to work on the puzzle one piece at a time. One of my favorite memories of this experience was when I observed a mom and her two daughters working on the puzzle throughout worship. Slowly, these “puzzle-put-together” people completed the puzzle, except for one piece. Now, I know that is going to be irritating to some, like a grain of sand in your eye that you can’t seem to get out, but I think it’s a wonderful sign for us.

The question is not “How can I help DMLC fit together better,” but instead, “Who is (are) the missing piece(s)?” The Seasons of Advent and Christmas are a wonderful time to invite others to join you at worship. We are a place that invites and welcomes all. Let’s continue to do the work of the church together!


Why Advent?


Special Days Ahead!