Technologically Speaking
I have become a big fan of listening to a myriad of podcasts and recorded books. The podcasts I listen to range from Biblical text study, to issues of the law, and history. In the last few years, I have also made a practice of listening to recorded books on the Audible app. Some of those books are also on my Kindle, and I can toggle back and forth between the two because it keeps my place. I noticed last fall that my reading was almost exclusively non-fiction, and further skewed to theological issues. Then I came across an [old] article by Karen Swallow Prior about why pastors should read a variety of books, including fiction. Swallow Prior said,
“Immersing ourselves in beautiful words (even if only for a few precious minutes most or a few days) is like getting a burst of oxygen in air-deprived lungs. Most of us live and work in polluted environments. We are surrounded by words of anguish, anger, anxiety, and—most of all—efficiency. Literary language, on the other hand, is evocative, rich, resonant, and inviting.”
A friend of mine from high school reads and recommends books on Instagram and occasionally does interviews with authors. She is a big proponent of reading for fun. I have found that reading the book with the narration is fun, too! I especially like it when the author reads their work as it feels more authentic. In the image below are some of the books I’ve been reading and listening to.
See you in church!