First Communion

Each year, our Fifth Graders receive instruction in preparation for celebrating their First Communion. They learn how the elements used in Holy Communion are placed and used. They also filled communion trays and washed the communion cups that will be used on Sunday!

For Lutherans, a sacrament is something Jesus commanded us to do, in addition, it uses a physical element—something we can see, touch, or sometimes taste; and is connected with God’s promise, the word of God. We believe that God encounters us both in word (scripture, preaching, song, prayer) and sacrament.

Lutherans celebrate two sacraments; baptism, and Holy Communion. Infants, children, and adults become a part of the Christian community in Holy Baptism, a ritual of word and washing with water. Christians encounter Christ weekly not only in words but also by Christ’s promise paired with sharing bread and wine in Holy Communion.

In both Baptism and Communion, we encounter Christ. The sacraments are wonderful ways in which Christ is present to us. In the sacraments, we receive the gift of Jesus Christ, signs of God’s mercy and forgiveness. As we celebrate them, we are marked and nourished as Christ’s body and strengthened for our life together. In sharing the sacraments each time we come to worship, we affirm their centrality to our faith.

See you in worship!


Happy PIE/PI Day!


Quilting at Dr. Martin Luther Church