Join us for worship!

When I was younger I never considered myself to be a church nerd, but as I reflect on growing up in the church, I would say that, yes, that is exactly what I am. Approaching the most holy weekend of the church year, I find myself in great anticipation for our worship that will occur at Dr. Martin Luther Church.

It all begins tonight at 6:00 pm when we will gather in the sanctuary for Maundy Thursday. The term “Maundy” refers to the Latin for “Mandatum” which is the origin of the English word, “mandate.” In the ecclesiastical setting, “Mandatum” is the ceremonial washing of feet by a priest or bishop, who represents Jesus Christ.

Tonight, the events of Jesus’ betrayal, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection are set into motion beginning with the remembrance of Jesus and his disciples gathering for Passover, which normally is a time of celebration. As writer Diana Butler Bass says:

This table is the hinge of history. The table is the point.
Thursday is the Last Supper and the First Feast.
The Holy Thursday Revolution.

Pull up a chair. Bring a friend.

The Disciples Peace Fellowship shares its prayer for this day.

And so our prayer this day, as we prepare to eat, drink, and remember,
is that we, in turn, might find the courage and the strength
and the passion-filled desire to welcome someone;
to in turn extend a glimpse of your radical hospitality,
starting with just one person.

By your grace and through the nourishment of your table,
we might begin reordering the brokenness, reigniting the extinguished lights,
and bringing a measure of wholeness to a broken and fragmented world.
In our chaos, O God, we pray this day that we will listen and hear you speak.

Tonight, we enter the sanctuary with song and depart in silence.

See you in church!


Easter Season


Holy Week