A Slight Retraction

In my sermon on Christmas Eve, I referred to the fact that people a little older and a little younger than me might be the only ones in the sanctuary who would remember A Charlie Brown Christmas. However, my daughter reminded me that she, too, watched that 25-minute cartoon while she was growing up. I stand corrected.

No matter what age you are, the sentiment shared in that 25-minute cartoon remains the same: Christmas is all about the peace and love that came to earth. Linus, in three minutes sums up rather neatly for us, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace…” Then, when Linus comes upon the tree Charlie Brown left behind he says, “It’s not bad at all, really, maybe it just needs a little love.”

Peace and love — that’s it — in a nutshell.

See you in church!!


Book Club Fun!


It’s Time!!