Iceland Adventure

Our family arrived in Iceland on Monday morning, July 1st. It was about a six-hour flight and I don’t think I slept more than 30 minutes. Not long after finishing my in-flight meal, around 11:50 pm, I noticed in the distance a sliver of light on the northern horizon. Our flight went from Chicago to Iceland over Newfoundland, eventually, we would fly over Greenland. I knew the chances for me to sleep would be small as  I didn’t want to miss watching the sky and see the pristine, untouched Greenland landscape.

It has been eight years since my last international flight, and I was mesmerized watching the sliver of sun expand. Looking down in the darkness at Newfoundland, I could just see the edge of the northeast coast of Canada as it meets the North Atlantic Ocean.

I waited as the light expanded, and soon we were over Greenland. I was not disappointed.

Today, Tuesday, we are driving from Reykjavik to Akureyri, in the north of Iceland. The vast majority of the four-hour drive is wide-open space, with rivers and lava rock, flat-topped mountains, and even fjords!

One of the benefits of travel, even if you are only going to a town not far from where you live, is the opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, to experience new and different things, to and gain new perspectives.

I am drinking deeply from the experiences offered to me on this wonderful excursion outside of our United States of America. Happy 4th Of July!

See you in church!


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